1974 年,霍金提出了有名的霍金輻射(Hawking radiation),該理論能說明黑洞質量如何降低而導致黑洞蒸散現象(資料來源)。神秘的宇宙和黑洞,是霍金投入畢生心血研究,也是物理學界持續關注的重大議題,相關研究為您整理如下:
- IOP 霍金發表的論文:DeSitter entropy, quantum entanglement and ADS/CFT
- CUP 霍金發表的論文:Black Holes in the Early Universe ;Quantum Aspects of Accretion onto Black Holes in the Early Universe
- APS 霍金發表的 55 篇論文:開放下載中
- APS 高引用研究:Cosmological consequences of a rolling homogeneous scalar field
- APS 次高引用研究:Cosmological event horizons, thermodynamics, and particle creation
- Holographic Duality in Condensed Matter Physics
- Gravity and Strings
- The Renaissance of General Relativity and Cosmology (霍金撰寫 Chapter 18 – Evaporation of two dimensional black holes)
- Lectures on General Relativity, Cosmology and Quantum Black Holes (Chapter 6 – Hawking radiation, the information paradox, and black hole thermodynamics)
霍金曾經接受過許多報章雜誌的專訪,而 Gale 的 Global Issue in Context 全球意識/當代議題資料庫收錄了 97 篇報章和 2 本雜誌中有關霍金輻射的相關報導和討論,歡迎上線了解:https://www.gale.com/uk/c/global-issues-in-context