iGroup Australasia 與合作夥伴 ARTiFACTS 和澳大利亞 RMIT 區塊鏈創新中心合作,舉辦一系列 webinar 針對區塊鏈技術如何出現並被應用於研究基礎設施等議題進行討論。
(In the first seminar, we will discuss the perverse incentives in traditional scholarly publication and the trust problems that have arisen in the peer review process. We will then introduce blockchain as a mechanism that industrialises trust, and how it can facilitate distributed research infrastructure. These innovative infrastructures have the potential to support new publishing business models that create high-powered incentives within the publishing ecosystem.)
(The second seminar will focus on how decentralised research infrastructures can be used in the formation of scholarly communities. This seminar will also discuss various ways to support these knowledge communities through recognition. The other topics of discussion will include: Journals as club goods, and new tools for qualitative research in online forums and involving participants in the research process.)