2021 諾貝爾獎得主已經公布,讓我們一起來看看這些對學術界有卓越貢獻之學者的重要研究
2021 諾貝爾物理學獎
出生自日本的美籍氣象學家 Syukuro Manabe、德國海洋和氣候學家 Klaus Hasselmann 及義大利理論物理學家 Giorgio Parisi 獲獎,3 人因研究地球暖化、複雜系統而共享殊榮。詳細內容請參考→
Exact Theory of Dense Amorphous Hard Spheres in High Dimension. II. The High Density Regime and the Gardner Transition (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
The Replica Approach to Glasses (by Giorgio Parisi)
An Increasing Correlation Length in Off-Equilibrium Glasses (by Giorgio Parisi)
Characterisation of intermittency in chaotic systems (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
On the classification of learning machines (by Giorgio Parisi)
Asymmetric neural networks and the process of learning (by Giorgio Parisi)
Scalable optical computation of the spin glass thermodynamics (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
DMD based scalable computation of the spin glass thermodynamics (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
Infinite Number of Order Parameters for Spin-Glasses (by Giorgio Parisi)
Long-Range Anomalous Decay of the Correlation in Jammed Packings (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
Quantum Mechanics (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
Theory of Simple Glasses (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
Dynamics and Modeling of Ocean Waves (by Giorgio Parisi et al.)
2021 諾貝爾化學獎
由德國科學家 Benjamin List、美國科學家 David MacMillan 共享殊榮,得獎理由是「研發不對稱有機催化」。詳細內容請參考→
Asymmetric Enamine Catalysis (by Benjamin List et al.)
The Direct Catalytic Asymmetric Three-Component Mannich Reaction (by Benjamin List)
New Strategies for Organic Catalysis: The First Enantioselective Organocatalytic 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition (by David W. C. MacMillan et al.)
New Strategies for Organic Catalysis: The First Highly Enantioselective Organocatalytic Diels−Alder Reaction (by David W. C. MacMillan et al.)
2021 諾貝爾生醫獎
由兩位美國學者 David Julius、Ardem Patapoutian 共同獲獎,他們因提出人類神經系統如何感知溫度與觸覺兩種外界刺激,獲得此屆諾貝爾獎殊榮。其他詳細資料請見 →
Discovery, Optimization, and Biological Evaluation of 5-(2-(Trifluoromethyl)phenyl)indazoles as a Novel Class of Transient Receptor Potential A1 (TRPA1) Antagonists (by David Julius et al.)
A FAAH-Regulated Class of N-Acyl Taurines That Activates TRP Ion Channels (by Ardem Patapoutian et al.)
PIEZOs mediate neuronal sensing of blood pressure and the baroreceptor reflex (by Ardem Patapoutian et al.)
Piezo1 and Piezo2 Are Essential Components of Distinct Mechanically Activated Cation Channels (by Ardem Patapoutian et al.)
Structural insights into TRPM8 inhibition and desensitization (by David Julius et al.)
Structure of the human TRPM4 ion channel in a lipid nanodisc (by David Julius et al.)
2021 諾貝爾經濟學獎
經濟學家 Guido Imbens 聯同 Joshua Angrist 和 David Card 因「徹底改變了經濟科學領域的實證研究」被共同授予 2021 年諾貝爾經濟學獎。詳細資料請見 →
Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biomedical Sciences (by Guido Imbens et al.)