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Christian Church的歷史文章:
Junhyoung Michael Shin, from Seoul National University, whose article “Avalokiteśvara’s Manifestation as the Virgin Mary: The Jesuit Adaptation and the Visual Conflation in Japanese Catholicism after 1614” discusses the visual culture of underground Christians in Japan, focusing on the Nagasaki and Bungo regions of Kyushu
Peter Chien-main Wang, at the National Central University, Taiwan, whose article “Caring Beyond National Borders: The YMCA and Chinese Laborers in World War I Europe” examines the origin, operation, and development of this international project and assesses its significance both in church history and in modern China
Dae Young Ryu, at Handong University in South Korea, whose article “The Origin and Characteristics of Evangelical Protestantism in Korea at the Turn of the Twentieth Century” covers the theological, ethical, and spiritual nature of the Protestantism that American missionaries introduced to Korea, and why such characteristics continue to determine the basic temperament of Korean Protestant churches today
“What Should Christians Do About a Shaman-Progenitor? Evangelicals and Ethnic Nationalism in South Korea“, by Timothy S. Lee
“Watchman Nee and the Little Flock Movement in Maoist China“, by Joseph Tse-Hei Lee
“An Egyptian in China: Ahmed Fahmy and the Making of ‘World Christianities’“, by Heather J. Sharkey