Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy 人體解剖 3D 互動資源獲得 2018 SLC/ARBA Best of Reference Award 頒發《Best Electronic Reference Resource》,顯示 Gale Interactive 對於師生來說的確是一個優秀的電子參考資源。
傳統資源與實驗材料往往受到諸多限制,使得學生難以理解基本概念,現在透過 Gale Interactive 此一創新的學習輔助工具,不僅讓學生可以模擬 3D 解剖,詳細瞭解人體各組織器官的縮放與旋轉構造,更可搭配問題測驗幫助學生加強學習與記憶。
Gale Interactive: Human Anatomy allows middle and high school students to interact with human body systems in a way that is more personalized, easy to use, understand, and review… [This] is a comprehensive resource that school library professionals and educators will find to be a valuable addition to their curriculum and database resources.
—Angela Wojtecki, Nordonia Hills City Schools, OH
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