要讓內容在茫茫資訊海中被找到,充份且正確的 Metadata 是關鍵成份。
除了傳統的書名、作者名、主題之外,愈來愈多出版社開始把摘要與其他細部的資訊建立索引,提高在搜尋引擎被搜尋到的機率和排名。這對於中小型或非營利學術出版社來說尤其重要。Stephanie Dawson,ScienceOpen 的 CEO,將會以學術搜尋引擎提供者的角度,探討 Metadata 的重要性,同時提出中小型學術出版社該如何建立更完善的資訊策略,以提高出版品被搜尋到的機率 (Discoverability)。

Stephanie Dawson
CEO @ScienceOpen
Stephanie Dawson, CEO ScienceOpen, grew up in northern California, studied Biology at Yale University and received a PhD in German Literature from the University of Washington. She spent over 10 years at the academic publisher De Gruyter in Berlin in the fields of biology and chemistry in both journals and book publishing. In 2013 she joined ScienceOpen as managing director in order to work towards more open solutions for scholarly communication.