IOP 非常高興今年能夠慶祝 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering (JMM) 期刊創立 30 週年!本慶祝活動提供了一個機會以彰顯期刊的悠久歷史、對微機電系統界的巨大貢獻,以及 JMM 作為微機電系統領域最前端的領導期刊,所扮演的關鍵角色。
IOP 感謝多年來在 JMM 期刊上發表過文章的所有人,以及由台灣的國立清華大學方維倫教授 (Weileun Fang) 所領導出色的編輯委員會。我們期望 JMM 在今年後半年時出版特刊,敬請期待!
A message from Editor-in-Chief Weileun Fang
National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
“I am thrilled JMM has made the 30-year anniversary milestone and very pleased to be part of the journey with an international Editorial Board. When an article is accepted for publication in JMM, it’s just the starting point; it will have a long impact which shows with our celebrations today. With dedicated marketing and journalistic teams in place, your publications are subject to maximum exposure and visibility…it will be fascinating to see the journal’s progress from fundamental breakthroughs to a variety of applications in the coming decade”.
IOP 很榮幸與您分享 JMM 當中的 2020 年精選!
- Direct polymer microcantilever fabrication from free-standing dry film photoresists
- Channel integrated optoelectronic tweezer chip for microfluidic particle manipulation
- Direct printing of sub-30m liquid metal patterns on three-dimensional surfaces for stretchable electronics
- Localized modulus-controlled PDMS substrate for 2D and 3D stretchable electronics
- Surface roughness improvement of 3D printed microchannel
- An implantable microelectrode array for chronic in vivo epiretinal stimulation of the rat retina
- Recoverable elastic barrier for robust hydrogel patterning with uniform flow profile for organ-on-a-chip applications
- Three-dimensional Fabry–Pérot cavities sculpted on fiber tips using a multiphoton polymerization process
- Design and characterization of compact digital RF MEMS capacitors and phase shifters in CMOS 0.35 µm technology
- Compact tunable mid-infrared Fabry–Pérot filters actuated by liquid crystal elastomers
- Microfluidic fabrication of stable collagen microgels with aligned microstructure using flow-driven co-deposition and ionic gelation
- Ultrasensitive detection of antigen–antibody interaction and triglycerides in liquid ambient using polysilicon cantilevers