SPIE 2014年預計增加3本新期刊
天文望遠鏡、儀器與系統 JATIS
內容涵蓋應用望遠鏡、儀器儀表及地基與空基天文系統。包含以下領域 :
- Ground and space-based telescopes and instrumentation
- Observatory design and operations
- Control systems
- Active optics, adaptive optics, and interferometry
- Detector systems
- Cameras and spectrographs
- Optical design and manufacturing
- System engineering
- Innovative technologies and materials
- Data analysis techniques
醫學影像學 Journal of Medical Imaging
- Imaging physics
- Tomographic reconstruction algorithms (such as those in CT and MRI)
- Image processing
- Computer-aided diagnosis and quantitative image analysis
- Visualization and modeling
- Picture archiving and communications systems (PACS)
- Image perception and observer performance
- Technology assessment
- Ultrasonic imaging
- Image-guided procedures
- Digital pathology
- Biomedical applications of biomedical imaging
- 出版頻率:季刊
神經光子學 Neurophotonics
- Microscopic methods
- Super-resolution nanoscopic methods
- Optogenetics and other optical methods of manipulating cellular behavior
- Synthetic and genetically encoded optical reporters and actuators
- Optical clearing methods
- Methods to investigate neuroglial and vascular physiology
- Methods to investigate cellular energetics
- Noninvasive methods of measuring and imaging brain function and physiology
- Photoacoustic methods spanning from optical to acoustic resolution
- Clinical and translation applications
- Computational methods relevant to understanding and interpreting optical measurements.
All articles will be freely available through 2015.