學術國際化的成熟網路世代,學術倫理是一種必須強化的專業素養、更是確保學術品質的必要條件。傳統上,學術倫理問題的肇因甚多,包括語言隔閡、寫作能力不足、引用概念缺乏、引述認知錯誤、倫理教育不全…等因素;現世代中,過去隱藏於傳統寫作中不易被發現的不合理引用,隨著學術資源電子化(ejournal/ebook/database)與網路資源(google scholar) 的普及而浮現檯面,更相繼發生於國際各國之間。據觀察,國內外許多學術機構除配合傳統道德規勸,亦已建立論文寫作輔導並積極投入學術審查機制的建立,目的即在於培養學者(研究者)嚴格自律的態度、自省(審)主導力的提升,確保學術品質與保護學者的同時,亦可鞏固機構聲譽;保障國際名聲。
有鑒於前述趨勢與體認,2015年10月2日,美國在台協會(AIT)、Turnitin LLC.及iGroup將共同舉辦「台灣學術倫理高峰論壇 – 實踐誠信與體現價值 (Institutional Research & Research Integrity Forum)」,會中將探討「我國大學校院學術倫理的現況與發展」、「日本早稻田大學的學術誠信提升機制」、「國際學術倫理議題」、「英文學術寫作中的文字抄襲議題;迷思與爭議」以及「論文原創性之檢測方法」。
會議時間 : 2015 / 10 / 2 (星期五) 13:00-17:30
報名時間 : 即日起 - 2015 / 9 / 30
會議地點 : 張榮發基金會國際會議中心 / Room 802 (台北市中正區中山南路11號8F)
台灣學術倫理高峰論壇 – 實踐誠信與體現價值 (Institutional Research & Research Integrity Forum) |
Time |
Session |
Speaker |
1:00-1:20 |
Registration |
1:20-1:30 |
Welcome & Opening Ceremony |
Jim Curtis 高子健 |
梁銘心 |
1:30-2:05 |
Keynote 我國大學院校學術倫理的現況與發展 |
王明源 |
2:05-2:40 |
Speech (1) Promotion of Research Integrity in Waseda University -Acceleration and Braking in Research Promotion |
Prof. Yoshiaki Fukazawa |
2:40-3:00 |
Coffee Break |
3:00-3:50 |
Speech (2) Responding to misconduct (and preventing it from occurring): the role of journals and institutions |
Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Wager Sideview- |
3:50-4:20 |
Speech (3) 學術出版原創性之確認 |
黃焜煌 |
4:20-4:50 |
Speech (4) 英文學 術寫作中的文字抄襲議題;迷思與爭議 Language plagiarism in English Academic Writing;Misconceptions and controversies |
孫于智 |
4:50-5:30 |
Panel Discussion |
5:30~ |
Closing |
王明源 | Prof. Yoshiaki Fukazawa(深澤 良彰) | Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Wager | 黃焜煌 | 孫于智 | Dr. Woei Fuh Wong
王明源 先生
教育部 技職司 副司長
1. 國立空中大學兼任助理教授
2. 教育部高教司專員、科長、專門委員
3. 教育部學術審議委員會專門委員
4. 教育部技術及職業教育司副司長(104.08.17起迄今)
Prof. Yoshiaki Fukazawa(深澤 良彰)
日本早稻田大學 Waseda University, Japan
Current Position:
Professor of Software Engineering, School of Fundamental Science and Engineering, Waseda University
Senior Executive Director for Research Promotion and IT Promotion Director, Institute of Open Source Software, Waseda University
Educational Background:
March 1976 B. E. in Electrical Engineering, School of Science & Engineering, Waseda University
March 1978 M. E. in Electrical Engineering, Graduate School of Science & Engineering, Waseda University
March 1986 Doctor of Engineering, Graduate School of Science & Engineering Waseda University
More: http://www.us-jpri.org/en/cv_fukazawa.html
Dr. Elizabeth (Liz) Wager
Visiting Professor at the University of Split School of Medicine; Co-author of Good Publication Practice
Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Wager has worked with scientists, editors and writers on six continents. Before setting up Sideview she worked in the publishing and pharmaceutical industries (for Blackwell Scientific, Janssen Cilag and GlaxoSmithKline). She chaired the Committee on Publication Ethics (2009-12) and is a member of the BMJ’s Ethics Committee, the World Association of Medical Editors Ethics Committee, and the CONSORT for Abstracts steering group. She is Visiting Professor at the University of Split School of Medicine.
She is a co-author of Good Publication Practice for Pharmaceutical Companies (2003 and GPP3, 2015), the European Medical Writers Association guidelines on the role of medical writers (2005), the Wiley-Blackwell Best Practice Guidelines on Publication Ethics (2006), COPE Best Practice and flowcharts for journal editors and the author of books on ‘Getting Research Published: an A to Z of Publication Strategy’ (2nd edition 2010) and ‘How to Survive Peer Review’. She has published research and commentaries on peer review and is the co-author of two systematic reviews on the effects of peer review. In 2010 she was awarded a PhD for a thesis entitled ‘Peer review and editorial processes for improving the quality of research reporting’More: http://www.lizwager.com/
黃焜煌 教授
逢甲大學 國際貿易系教授
Life Fellow, International Society of Management Engineers
Editor-in-Chief, International Journal of Business and Economics (EconLit)
Associate Editor, Journal of Business Research (SSCI)
國立交通大學 英語教學研究所教授
畢業於美國堪薩斯大學英語教學博士。研究專長為學術論文寫作 、電腦輔助語言教學。
美國加州大學柏克萊分校 訪問學者 (2014/8~2015/2)
美國堪薩斯大學 訪問學者 (2012/8~2013/2)
交通大學人文社會學院 副院長(2011/1~2012/7, 2013/2~2013/12)
交通大學英語教學研究所 所長 (2005/2~2006/7,2008/2~2010/1)
交通大學語言教學與研究中心 主任 (2004/8~2006/7,2008/2~2010/1)
Woei Fuh is the consultant of Education & Research for Innovative Education Services, a subsidiary of iGroup Asia Pacific. Prior to that, he worked in Thomson Reuters for close to 10 years involving in the business of Web of Science and Derwent patents data. He also has more than a decade of experience in corporate engineering business for Weidmuller and Emerson Electrics particularly in the oil & gas segment.
Woei Fuh holds a Ph.D. in Polymer Science & Technology from the University of Manchester. He remains active in the Asia Pacific scientific community, engaging with researchers, research management, and funding agencies on research evaluation and assessment, research integrity and innovation, and research communication.
He was the keynote speaker at the Mahathir Science Awards 2011 at Kuala Lumpur in January 2012, and he was speaking in several other research conferences sharing the best practices of citation indexing, plagiarism and data curation.
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iGroup Taiwan (智泉國際事業有限公司) 王可欣 小姐
(02)2571-3369#212 | [email protected]