資料來源: Google Scholar Metrics #optics & photonics
Google Scholar憑藉著收藏全球學術資源為基礎,統計出SPIE近5年來最常被研究者引用具重大影響力的會議文獻。
該出版期刊Journal of Biomedical Optics於光學與光子領域中表現非凡,除了期刊整體IF指數年年向上攀升,在Google Scholar Metrics的學術計量指標上也擠進前10名。
Fundamental limit of nanophotonic light-trapping in solar cells
Z Yu, A Raman, S Fan
Complete optical isolation created by indirect interband photonic transitions
Z Yu, S Fan
Design of a 3-stage ADR for the soft x-ray spectrometer instrument on the ASTRO-H mission (絕熱去磁製冷機設計)
T Takahashi, K Mitsuda, R Kelley, F Aharonian, F Akimoto, S Allen, …