大學及研究圖書館協會 (Association of College and Research Libraries) 旗下出版之 CHOICE, 從超過 4,800 個刊物中選出 455 個電子書及數位資源,頒發 20 18 年傑出學術刊物獎,而 Gale 的 Women’s Studies Archive(女性研究原始文獻)很榮幸為獲獎名單之一,其被讚賞為「必要」及「豐富」的檔案來源。這是婦女研究議題首次獲此殊榮, 也開啟了古往今來的研究脈絡。(原文請見此處)
One of the best features is the interdisciplinary and transnational nature of the content. Users can explore ‘the dynamism and interrelatedness of women’s social activism.’ Gale offers a straightforward interface, source citations, collection overviews, document management tools, the functionality of browsing digitized material as archival collections, and the ability to link and cross-search capabilities in other Gale primary source modules. All of this makes it a ‘a wise investment for any academic library.’
– Angela Fritz, CCAdvisor (as reiterated by J. Stoehr, CHOICE)
Gale Women’s Studies 簡介請見:https://www.igroup.com.tw/gale/society-and-history/ ,詳細介紹則請見 Gale 網站:https://www.gale.com/intl/c/womens-studies-archive-womens-issues-and-identities
相關主題資料庫推薦:Archives of Sexuality & Gender: LGBTQ History and Culture Part 1-2,簡介請見:https://www.igroup.com.tw/gale/society-and-history/,詳細介紹則見:https://www.gale.com/intl/c/archives-of-sexuality-and-gender-lgbtq。Gale 將於 2019 年 2 月推出 Part 3。